Schnäbi (2006)
– 12 min | Short | 9 November 2006 (Switzerland)
14 year old Leander is being teased by the other boys at school because he thinks his willy is too small. The teasing gets worse when he falls in love with Martina who is helping him with his geometry homework. As a result the boys play a game in the changing room and use their protractor triangle from geometry to measure completely different things…
Der vierzehnjährige Leander findet, sein Schnäbi sei zu klein. Er verliebt sich in die schöne Martina, welche ihm Geometrieaufgaben erklärt. Leanders Mitschüler sagen, Martina stehe nur auf richtige Männer, und benützen das Geodreieck um ganz andere Sachen nachzumessen…
Director: Luzius Wespe
Writer: Luzius Wespe
Stars: Felix Tunger, Maja Bader, Manuel Neuburger
Country: Switzerland
Language: Swiss German
Release Date: 9 November 2006 (Switzerland)
Also Known As: Willy.
Format : MPEG-4
Format profile : Base Media / Version 2
Codec ID : mp42 (mp42/isom/avc1)
File size : 698 MiB
Duration : 11 min 57 s
Overall bit rate mode : Variable
Overall bit rate : 8 153 kb/s
Hi! I went to download Prora, but the link is for another movie named Schnäbi. Can you please correct?
Fixed link:
Thank you for notifying us 🙂