Pingpong 2006 | Boys in movies [BiM]

Pingpong 2006 | Boys in movies [BiM]

Pingpong (2006) – Pingpong 2006 – 1h 29 min. | Drama | 16 November 2006 (Germany) Storyline: Paul, 16 years old, arrives to live at his aunt’s house, after his father’s death. Alongside her aunt Anna lives his cousin Robert. Paul’s arrival is unexpected, creating great tension between the three… Continue reading

Duvar 1983 | Boys in movies [BiM]

Duvar 1983 | Boys in movies [BiM]

Duvar 1983 – 1h 57 min | Drama | 20 October 2000 (Turkey) Storyline: Teens in a Turkish prison struggle to survive under hideous conditions. Made by dying Yilmaz Guney in France, after he escaped from a Turkish prison, enabling him to accept his award at Cannes for Yol (The… Continue reading

The Abduction of Zack Butterfield 2011 | Boys in movies [BiM]

The Abduction of Zack Butterfield 2011 | Boys in movies [BiM]

The Abduction of Zack Butterfield (2011) The Abduction of Zack Butterfield 2011 – 1h 31 min. | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 19 April 2011 (USA) Storyline: A disturbed young woman returns to the US after combat as an American mercenary in Iraq and abducts a 14 year old boy, holding… Continue reading

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